Classical Music Festivals in Japan: Types, Objectives, and Integrated Model of Impact Assessment and Theoretical Implications

ISSN/ISBN : 1480-8986
Pages : 21 pages (pre-released)

Product: Article

$21.00 CA


Amos Chiya

Amos Chiya is a Research Fellow and Teaching Fellow at Hiroshima University, Artistic Advisor and Conductor of the Hiroshima Tafel Orchestra, and a Representative for Music and Culture on the International Council of Environmental Law. His research focuses on the intersection of music practice, cultural sociology, human geography, environ­mental management, and applied linguistics.

There is currently limited research concerning the specific typology and assessment of the social and cultural impact of classical music festivals. Using autoethnography, focused ethnography, and thematic and content analysis, a comprehensive list of classical music festivals in Japan and nine themes of social and cultural objectives were compiled and identified. Through the analysis of the festivals’ characteristics, a classification model based on three distinct festival types was proposed. A conceptual framework which integrates the dimensions of impact assessment from the current discourse with the identified festival objectives and theoretical approaches for classical music festivals is also proposed and compared to existing impact assessment models. This research seeks to contribute to the field of event management and cultural studies by offering a more appropriate approach for a comprehensive analysis of the impacts in the unique context of classical music festivals through an integrated framework with novel theoretical perspectives.
Music festivals; festival objectives; social impact; cultural impact; classical music