General and Specific Issues in Russian Theatre

ISSN/ISBN : 1480-8986
Pages : 74-83

Product: Article

$21.00 CA

E. Levshina, Y. Orlov

Professor Elena Levshina is head of the Arts Administration program at the St. Petersburg Theatre Arts Academy; this program was founded in 1968. She has published nearly 100 works (about 20 in English and French) dealing with the issues of communication between theatre and its audience, cultural policy and providing a legislative foundation for theatre.
Professor Youri Orlov is head of the Arts Administration program at the Russian Theatre Arts Academy in Moscow; this program was founded in 1974. His research interests include methods of planning theatre activities and the history of organizational structures.

The social context and history of a country determine the manner in which its artistic life is organized. Russian theatre companies have evolved within a system in which the State plays a fundamental role. The changes in the Russian political situation have not modified the objectives of Russian artists or the traditional methods of managing a theatre company; the model of publicly funded permanent troupes remains intact. Russia has much to learn from the experiences of other countries, but the social roots of its tradition must also be preserved.
Theatre, organization, Russia
Le contexte social et l’histoire d’un pays déterminent le mode d’organisation de sa vie culturelle. En Russie, les compagnies de théâtre ont évolué sous un régime où l’État joue un rôle fondamental. Les changements survenus dans la situation politique n’ont pas modifié les objectifs des artistes russes ni les méthodes de gestion traditionnelles des compagnies théâtrales; le modèle de troupes permanentes financées par les fonds publics demeure intact. La Russie a beaucoup à apprendre des expériences des autres pays, mais doit néanmoins veiller à préserver les racines sociales de sa tradition.
Théâtre, organisation, Russie
El contexto social y la historia de un país determinan la manera en la que se organiza su vida artística. Las compañías de teatro rusas han evolucionado dentro de un sistema en el que el Estado tenía un papel fundamental. Los cambios en la situación política rusa no han modificado los objetivos de los artistas rusos ni los métodos tradicionales de administración de una compañía de teatro. El modelo de compañías de teatro permanentes, que se subvencionan con fondos públicos, sigue intacto. En Rusia hay mucho por aprender de las experiencias vividas en otros países, pero también se deben conservar las raíces sociales de la tradición rusa.
Teatro, organización, Rusia