IJAM Volume 13 Number 1 (PRINT)

ISSN/ISBN : 1480-8986
Pages : 82

Product: Journal

$84.00 CA


As we mark the 13th anniversary of the Journal’s founding, we are pleased to announce a redistribution of responsibilities among the members of our editorial board. François Colbert will henceforth serve as Publisher, while Johanne Turbide, Professor at HEC Montréal, has been appointed Editor.

Since earning her PhD at the University of Warwick in England, Professor Turbide has devoted her academic career to research and teaching in the field of culture and the arts. Her areas of research expertise include governance, strategic issues and financing related to not-for-profit organizations. A member of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants since 1987, Professor Turbide serves on several professional committees and boards.

Her arrival coincides with the creation of new sections in the Journal. Notable among these is the New Voices section, which will allow postgraduate students to submit research notes. In addition, we extend an open invitation to any colleague wishing to serve as Guest Editor of an IJAM issue devoted to a theme of interest to academics and practitioners in the field of arts and culture.

We are delighted to welcome Zannie Giraud Voss of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, as Associate Editor for themes related to management and organizational behaviour. Yannik St-James, Assistant Professor at HEC Montréal, will be responsible for the section on marketing as it relates to cultural organizations and industries.

Finally, we express our sincere thanks to Johanne Brunet and Wendy Reid at the end of their tenure as Associate Editors. 

Happy reading! 

François Colbert and Johanne Turbide