IJAM Volume 3 Number 3 (PRINT)

ISSN/ISBN : 1480-8986
Pages : 82

Product: Journal

$84.00 CA


This is the final issue in the third volume of IJAM. With three years, nine issues and 65 articles behind us, the time has come to take stock of our editorial policy. Apart from the clear satisfaction of our readers, evidenced by the increasing number of subscriptions, have we succeeded in our mission of creating an international forum for the exchange of ideas between practitioners and researchers, by publishing the latest research in cultural management?

We can classify the 65 articles published over the past three years according to four criteria, two of which pertain to content (management discipline and cultural sector) and two of which pertain to authors (professional status and country of practice).

– In our first classification, management discipline, three fields have dominated: marketing and consumer behaviour (20 articles), organizational behaviour and human resources management (13), and strategy (13). Only a few articles have addressed financial aspects and management control (3).

– One third of the articles published (21) take a perspective that cuts across several sectors of the cultural field. Among the articles focusing on a specific sector, those that deal with the performing arts (theatre, dance or  music) and heritage (particularly museums) account for the lion’s share, with 24 and 15 articles, respectively. The number of articles that deal with cultural industries is small (5) but increasing.

– The vast majority of authors (49) come from the academic milieu, which has a natural propensity for research and publication. About one quarter of the articles published (16) are written by professional managers or consultants.

– Twelve countries are represented among the authors. Nearly all of the articles originated in Europe (31) or North America (29), while the remainder are from Australia (4) and Japan (1). Australia will host the next AIMAC conference, an event that has consistently generated a wealth of new ideas for articles. This synergy is confirmed by the fact that the four countries most represented among IJAM authors are those that hosted the first four AIMAC conferences: Canada (19), the United Kingdom (12), the United States (11) and France (8).

Our readers may judge if we have succeeded in our mission.

François Colbert