IJAM Volume 8 Number 1 (PDF)
Product: Journal
$53.00 CA
This July, I had the great pleasure of welcoming the 8th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management to Montreal. Our very first edition, in August 1991, was also held at HEC Montréal, and was attended by participants from 14 countries, who presented 63 papers. The significant increase in the level of participation in this conference over the years attests to the growing importance of cultural management as a scientific discipline. Indeed, this year we welcomed participants from 27 countries, who presented a total of 135 papers.
Our journal provides both a forum for the transfer of knowledge from researchers to practitioners and an opportunity for managers to share their insights and experiences. Thanks to our partnership with the International Association of Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC), we have established valuable contacts, ensuring that the best papers presented at the conference are published in our journal.
This issue, which kicks off IJAM’s eighth year, is testimony to the diversity of issues driving research in cultural management. The topics addressed range from the industrial organization of the visual arts sector, to the creation of value chains in the production of staged works, to the illegal copying of music on the Internet, to the management of public and private sponsorships.
Happy reading!
François Colbert