Museums and Corporate Partners: The Case of Van Gogh Museum and Shell

ISSN/ISBN : 1480-8986
Pages : 78-87

Product: Article

$21.00 CA

Marek Prokůpek, Anne Gombault

Marek Prokůpek is an assistant professor of Arts Management at KEDGE Business School, France. He is a member of KEDGE Arts School and the research centre Creative Industries & Culture. His research interests lie primarily in the areas of museum fundraising and philanthropy, art market and innovative business models of arts and cultural organisations.
Anne Gombault is full professor of Strategic Management and director of KEDGE Arts School at KEDGE Business School. Her research interests lie primarily in identity, organisational behavior and management of arts, culture and creative industries.

This case study illustrates current management challenges many arts and cultural institutions face such as declining public subsidies, pressure to be more entrepreneurial, increasing competition in fundraising as well as increasing scrutiny of the partnership with private sector. The case study deals with the management dilemma as to whether Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam should continue its partnership with Shell despite several protests by environmental activists; whether to end the cooperation or whether to reform the partnership. Students are asked to address this dilemma and try to find solutions and, moreover, to identify and address potential consequences of their decision. The case study allows for the demonstration of business models and the management of arts and cultural organisations and, in particular, their financial structures and challenges they have faced recently.
Museum funding; fundraising; ethics; art funding; partnership; artwashing