Revisiting the 3Fs Model at the Digital Era - The Age of Eudaimonism and Alternative Hedonism

ISSN/ISBN : 1480-8986
Pages : 91-100

Product: Article

$21.00 CA

Claire Roederer, Marc Filser

Claire Roederer is a Full Professor at EM Strasbourg (University of Strasbourg), where she is affiliated with the Humanis research laboratory (Humans and Management in Society, UR 7308). Her research interests include consumer behavior, consumption, experiences and experiential marketing.
Marc Filser is Professor Emeritus at the University of Burgundy (Dijon, France). He is a member of the CREGO research laboratory. His research interests include consumer behavior, experiential marketing and management of marketing channels.

This paper explores the impact of advancements in technology and technoculture on consumer research and experience. We revisit Holbrook and Hirschman’s seminal article from 1982 that explored the experiential aspects of consumption Fantasies, Feelings and Fun. We argue that consumer research has gained analytic relevance by embracing Holbrook and Hirschman’s vision and heritage, but also suggest that the model needs to be expanded to include the dark side of digitalization, including F for frustration and fear. Additionally, consumers are becoming more aware of the social and societal costs associated with consumption and are seeking experiences that are embedded with meaning. We propose adding a fifth “E” to Holbrook’s (2000) 4 E’s: E for eudaimonism that captures a quest for meaning that more and more 21st century consumers aspire to and voice. Overall, the article highlights the need to expand and update models of consumer experience to reflect the changing landscape of technology and culture.
Experience; Technoculture; 3Fs; Eudaimonism; Alternative Hedonism