The Second City Is First in Creative Entrepreneurship

ISSN/ISBN : 1480-8986
Pages : 80-89

Product: Article

$21.00 CA

Joe Bogdan, Philippe Ravanas

Joe Bogdan is Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Live and Performing Arts Management Major in the Business and Entrepreneurship Department of Columbia College Chicago. He began his career as an attorney in private practice, focusing on the leveraged exploitation of entertainment content through new media platforms. He is the past Senior VP of Business and Legal Affairs for World Wrestling Entertainment, responsible for day-by-day operations.
Philippe Ravanas is Professor and Chairman of the Business and Entrepreneurship Department of Columbia College Chicago and a Visiting Professor at HEC Montréal. He is past VP of Corporate Communications for Euro Disney in Paris. He has also worked for Christie’s Auction House in London. He lectures extensively for the Arts and Business Council of America and serves as a consultant for the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.

From its humble beginnings in the back room of a Chicago bar in 1959 to its current status as the most influential comedy theatre in the United States, The Second City has developed a unique entrepreneurial philosophy while maintaining its commitment to the creative process that it has invented. Its willingness to accept, explore and build upon new ideas has helped it to become a powerhouse brand and the training ground for generations of famous performers.
Entrepreneurship, leadership, brand extension, performing arts, entertainment
Depuis ses modestes débuts dans l’arrière-salle d’un bar de Chicago en 1959 jusqu’à son statut actuel de théâtre de comédie le plus influent des États-Unis, The Second City a élaboré une philosophie entrepreneuriale unique tout en maintenant son engagement dans le processus créatif qu’il a inventé. Son empressement à accueillir, à explorer et à développer de nouvelles idées l’a aidé à devenir une marque de renom et un milieu de formation pour des générations d’artistes reconnus.
Entrepreneuriat, leadership, extension de la marque, arts de la scène, divertissement
Desde sus humildes principios en la trastienda de un bar de Chicago en 1959 hasta su posición actual como el teatro cómico de mayor influencia en los Estados Unidos, The Second City ha desarrollado una filosofía empresarial única sin dejar menguar su compromiso con el proceso creativo que inventó. Su disposición a aceptar, explorar y utilizar nuevas ideas ha contribuido a que se haya vuelto una poderosa marca y un terreno de formación para generaciones de actores famosos.
Emprendimiento, liderazgo, extensión de marca, artes escénicas, espectáculos