The Emergence of New Film Distribution Models as a Result of Streaming Platforms’ Impact on the Contemporary Film Market

ISSN/ISBN : 1480-8986
Pages : 51-66

Produit: Article

21,00 $ CA

(disponible en anglais seulement)

Agnieszka Orankiewicz, Marcin Adamczak

Agnieszka Orankiewicz, PhD, assistant professor at the Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz (Poland), and lecturer at the Film School in Lodz.
Marcin Adamczak, PhD, professor of the Faculty of Anthropology and Cultural Studies of the Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland), lecturer at the Film School in Lodz and the University of Gdansk (in the field of Production of Audiovisual Forms).

The article’s subject is the transformation of film distribution models due to post-pandemic changes and the development of streaming platforms. The text identifies four currently coexisting models of film distribution, in which the novelty is the shortening of the exclusivity windows for screenings of premiere film titles only in cinemas. An analysis of the traditional model, based on the priority of the cinema window, is presented, followed by new models: the corporate production model, the executive production model, the mixed model, and the traditional 2.0 model. The methodological assumptions of the article were based on the use of not only printed sources but also in-depth interviews with market participants (producers, distributors, and cinema managers). In the article, we use BMC (Business Model Canvas) to precisely determine the logic of operation of currently coexisting competing models and the principal value offered to consumers in them.
Business model; streaming platforms; cinema; distribution