Festival de Lanaudière: Differentiation in Customer Experience

ISSN/ISBN : 1480-8986
Pages : 79-85

Product: Article

$21.00 CA

Danilo C. Dantas, François Colbert

Danilo C. Dantas is an associate professor of Marketing at HEC Montréal and a member of Development of Music Audiences in Quebec. His research focuses on the themes of music marketing and online marketing.
François Colbert is a professor of Marketing at HEC Montréal, where he holds the Carmelle and Rémi Marcoux Chair in Arts Management and the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Management. He is also co-director of the Master of Management in International Arts Management program, Founding Editor and Executive Director of the International Journal of Arts Management and the author of Marketing Culture and the Arts.

This article examines the quest for differentiation and longevity of the Festival de Lanaudière in Quebec, Canada. Having changed its positioning in the course of its existence, the Festival is seeking to differentiate itself by offering a unique customer experience. The Festival’s main differentiating factors are its Fernand Lindsay Amphitheatre, its large screens and its tourist packages.
Festivals, Lanaudière, music, marketing, customer experience
Cet article porte sur la quête de différenciation et de longévité du Festival de Lanaudière dans la province de Québec (Canada). Au cours de son existence, le Festival a modifié son positionnement de manière à se différencier en offrant une expérience unique aux consommateurs. L’Amphithéâtre Fernand-Lindsay constitue l’un de ses éléments distinctifs, au même titre que ses grands écrans et ses forfaits touristiques.
Festivals, Lanaudière, musique, marketing, expérience de consommation
En este artículo se analiza la búsqueda de diferenciación y longevidad del Festival de Lanaudière en Quebec, Canadá. Después de cambiar su posicionamiento de largo tiempo, el Festival trata de diferenciarse ofreciendo una experiencia única al consumidor. Los principales factores de diferenciación del Festival son el anfiteatro Fernand Lindsay, sus grandes pantallas y sus ofertas turísticas.
Festivales, Lanaudière, música, mercadotecnia, experiencia del consumidor