IJAM Volume 2 Number 2 (PDF)
Product: Journal
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Readers will notice that this issue contains an article on the film industry. To date, all of the manuscripts published in this journal have been related to the performing arts or the heritage domain. As we have stated in the past, the aim of the International Journal of Arts Management is to provide a forum for practitioners and academics working in the arts and cultural field. Obviously, in order to guide him in his decision regarding the pertinence of a given manuscript for the target readership, the editor of a publication such as IJAM must first have defined the scope of the domain he wishes to cover.
The cultural field as we define it certainly does not correspond to the anthropological notion of culture, insofar as we are interested in organizations devoted to the distribution of works of art, as opposed to the ways and customs of peoples. In particular, we are interested in all aspects of the management of such organizations, including marketing, finance, human resources management, etc. Having established this premise, we could choose to focus solely on arts enterprises, leaving aside the cultural industries. This is not the case, however. Instead, we have chosen to broaden our mandate to include the management of all types of organizations that employ artists or present works of art.
It is on the basis of this broad definition that our editorial decisions regarding the relevance of the manuscripts we receive are made. Thus, in addition to articles on the performing arts and heritage issues, our readers will also from time to time come across articles focusing on some of the more “industrial” cultural sectors, such as the film, publishing, recording or audiovisual industry. In this regard, we are guided by the belief that the lessons afforded by one industry can prove useful to the others, since we are dealing with issues affecting businesses that share a common characteristic: they all have the work of an artist as their point of departure.
Enjoy your reading!
François Colbert