IJAM Volume 4 Number 3 (PDF)
Product: Journal
$53.00 CA
This issue of IJAM marks the end of our fourth year of publication. This fourth volume contains 20 articles, 12 dealing with aspects of the management of cultural organizations, seven focusing on marketing and one focusing on financial management.
The content of the Journal has not changed since its inception four years ago. Our objective at the time was to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between academics and practitioners, and this is what we have done. The articles published in Volume 4 were written both by managers in the field (four) and by academics (16). In our view, this gap in the numbers is to be expected, given the nature of the respective responsibilities of these groups of contributors.
We are particularly proud of our new “Manager’s Voice” section. Open to experienced managers, this section will be reserved for issues papers. The first three articles have hailed from Germany, Canada and Australia.
IJAM is also an academic journal, as evidenced by the broad range of studies on which many of the articles are based, as well as by our review process, which uses four anonymous referees. However, our ongoing priority is to publish articles that facilitate the reciprocal transfer of knowledge between academics and practitioners. Readers will undoubtedly have noticed a strong theoretical bent in some of our articles; we believe this is appropriate given our desire to preserve the underlying spirit of this Journal.
As things stand at the end of our fourth year, the majority of our subscribers are managers (80%) practicing in nearly 60 different countries. This diversity also shows through in the countries of origin of IJAM articles, with authors from the following 12 countries having been published in this volume: Australia (2), Austria (1), Brazil (1), Canada (4), Finland (1), France (4), Germany (1), Great Britain (1), Italy (1), Netherlands (1), New Zealand (2) and Sweden (1).
François Colbert