Working Title Films, Independent Producer: Internationalization of the Film Industry

ISSN/ISBN : 1480-8986
Pages : 60-70

Product: Article

$21.00 CA

Johanne Brunet, Galina Gornostaeva

Johanne Brunet (PhD, Industrial and Business Studies, Warwick University) is a guest professor at HEC Montreal, Quebec, Canada. She teaches marketing and her research interests lie in innovation, creativity and internationalization within the cultural industries. She has been a senior manager in the film and television industry. She is a member of the board of directors of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and has served on the boards of international media companies.
Galina Gornostaeva (PhD, Economic Geography) is an associate research fellow at the London School of Economics in the United Kingdom. She is currently studying production chains in the film and television industry, a project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. Her interests lie in the economics, management and geography of media industries, particularly cultural policy and governance. She previously worked at IFRESI CNRS in France and at Moscow State University.

The movie industry is both international and global. The United States dominates the industry in terms of both production and distribution. The British independent film producer Working Title Films has managed to secure financing and distribution through the American system yet maintain complete independence with regard to creative content. This company has succeeded in carving out a niche for itself within a very competitive industry.
Film industry, internationalization, international distribution, creative process, film production
À la fois internationale et mondiale, l’industrie du cinéma est dominée par les États-Unis, au niveau de la production comme de la distribution. Le producteur indépendant britannique Working Title Films a su s’assurer un financement et une distribution stables en utilisant le système américain, tout en conservant son autonomie en matière de création. La compagnie a réussi à se trouver un créneau dans une industrie hautement concurrentielle.
Industrie cinématographique, internationalisation, distribution internationale, processus de création, production cinématographique
La industria cinematográfica es a la vez internacional y mundial. Los Estados Unidos dominan esta industria, tanto en materia de producción como de distribución. La productora británica independiente Working Title Films logró asegurarse una financiación y una distribución estables mediante el sistema estadounidenses, pero sin perder su autonomía en el campo de la creación. Esta empresa supo crear su propio nicho en una industria altamente competitiva.
Industria cinematográfica, internacionalización, distribución internacional, proceso de creación, producción de películas