Consumer behaviour

Unveiling Latent Demand in the Cultural Industries: An Application to Live Music Participation

Unveiling Latent Demand in the Cultural Industries: An Application to Li...

How Do the underprivileged Access Culture?

How Do the underprivileged Access Culture?

How to Engage Audiences With Increasingly Eclectic Tastes: The Experience of TOHU,  a Montreal Circus Arts Presenter

How to Engage Audiences With Increasingly Eclectic Tastes: The Experienc...

Personal Time and Social Time: Their Role in Live Performance Attendance

Personal Time and Social Time: Their Role in Live Performance Attendance

The Personality of Performing Arts Venues: Developing a Measurement Scale

The Personality of Performing Arts Venues: Developing a Measurement Scale

Entrepreneurship and Leadership in Marketing the Arts

Entrepreneurship and Leadership in Marketing the Arts