Performance measurement

French Budget Act (LOLF) Indicators as Seen Through the Lens of the National Drama Centres: A Case Study

French Budget Act (LOLF) Indicators as Seen Through the Lens of the Nati...

Performance Measurement at World Heritage Sites: Per Aspera ad Astra

Performance Measurement at World Heritage Sites: Per Aspera ad Astra

Designing a Strategic Framework to Assess Museum Activities

Designing a Strategic Framework to Assess Museum Activities

Performance Measurement in the Arts Sector: The Case of the Performing Arts

Performance Measurement in the Arts Sector: The Case of the Performing Arts

Performance Measurement in Opera Companies: Comparing the Subjective Quality Judgements of Experts and Non-experts

Performance Measurement in Opera Companies: Comparing the Subjective Qua...

The Learning Cultural Organization of the Millennium: Performance Measures and Audience Response

The Learning Cultural Organization of the Millennium: Performance Measur...