A Spectroscopic Exploration of the Music Marketing Literature: Origins, Historical Roots and Recent Developments
Produit: Article
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Adrien Simonnot-Lanciaux, Paulin Gohoungodji, Alexis Perron-Brault, Danilo C. Dantas
Adrien Simonnot-Lanciaux is a PhD candidate and lecturer in marketing at HEC Montréal. His research interests include brand storytelling and person-brands, particularly in the context of music marketing. His work has been published in the International Journal of Case Studies in Management.
Paulin Gohoungodji is a postdoctoral scholar fellow in innovation at HEC Montréal, funded by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Société et Culture. He has published in several peer-reviewed journals, including the Review of Managerial Science, Applied Economics, Journal of Cleaner Production, and the International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Alexis Perron-Brault is a professor of marketing at ESG UQAM, where he directs the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing Communications. His research on music marketing has been published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing, Tourism Management Perspectives, and the International Journal of Arts Management.
Danilo C. Dantas is a professor of marketing at HEC Montréal, where he is the pedagogical director of the Professional Master and graduate Diploma in Management of Cultural Organizations. His research focuses on the marketing of music. His work has been published in the European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, and Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, among others.
Previous literature reviews on music marketing have examined specific time periods, isolated phenomena, or the historical development of the music industry. However, a comprehensive understanding of the development and evolution of music marketing research itself is lacking. This study addresses this gap by examining how music marketing research has emerged and changed over time. Using spectroscopy, an innovative literature review method, we are able to visualize the chronological impact of the field’s key references and how they have shaped it. Our findings are organized into three sections: first, we outline the foundational ideas of music marketing research and the contributing disciplines; second, we highlight its historical roots, identifying its seminal works and major themes; and third, after presenting the recent development of this topic, we discuss its most promising references and some future research directions. This review provides a comprehensive, multidisciplinary perspective on the past, present, and future of music marketing research and serves as a valuable resource for researchers.
Music marketing; reference publication year spectroscopy; literature review; music; arts; marketing